accelerated payment是否等同于advanced payment? -凯发旗舰厅官网

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acceleration,通常出现在贷款协议中,其深层含义是出借方为了使其自身的利益不因贷款方的违约等情况而受到损失,因而会在协议中订立此条款,译为“加速还款”或者“加速到期”,即加速提高还款频率、缩短贷款周期。那通常有人会问,那这里的“加速还款”是否等同于“提前或者预先”?二者的差别很大,从深层含义来讲,“预先”这个概念不会出现在贷款合同中,而通常出现在买卖合同中,买方预先向卖方支付款项,即:advanced payment。下面通过两个例子,大家来感受一下:

1 贷款协议中acceleration条款的表述

on and at any time after the occurrence of an event of default which is continuing, the facility agent may, and shall if so directed by the majority lenders, by notice to the borrower:

(a)  without prejudice to the participations of any lenders in the loan then outstanding:

(i)  cancel the commitments (and reduce them to zero), whereupon they shall immediately be cancelled (and reduced to zero); or

(ii)  cancel any part of anycommitment (and reduce such commitment accordingly), whereupon the relevantpart shall immediately be cancelled (and the relevant commitment shall be immediately reduced accordingly); and/or

(b) declare that all or part of the loan, together with accrued interest, and all other amounts accrued or outstanding under the finance documents be immediately due and payable,whereupon they shall become immediately due and payable; and/or

(c) declare that all or part of the loan be payable on demand, whereupon they shall immediately become payable on demand by the facility agent on the instructions of the majority lenders.


(a) 在不影响任何贷款人在未清偿贷款中的参与活动的前提下:

(i) 取消承诺额(以及将其减至0);因而,在此情形下应立即取消所有承诺额(以及将其减至0);或

(ii) 取消部分承诺额(以及对承诺额进行相应调减);因而,在此情形下应立即取消减少的承诺额(以及应立即对相关承诺额进行调减);以及/或

(b) 宣布融资文件项下的全部或部分贷款及其上利息,以及其上产生的或未清偿的任何款项立即到期;因而应立即支付前述已到期的全部款项;以及/或

(c) 宣布在收到催款请求时贷款的全部或部分到期应付;因而,在贷款代理行根据多数贷款人的指示发出催款请求后,应立即支付全部催款额。

2 advanced payment

goods supplied under this contract shall be delivered within 30 days after the date of advanced payment. 


发布于 2020-04-22 15:30:15

